A fourth generation keyboard adapter for the A1200 & A4000

Congratulations on your purchase of the EZKey-XS, the most capable and comprehensive keyboard adapter you can buy for your AGA-based Amiga. The EZKey-XS is designed, programmed and manufactured in the UK by Eyetech. It brings many advanced features to your Amiga not previously available on any computer platform.

Summary of Features

Autodetects A4000 & PC keyboards (even when plugged in after power-up)
Implements multiple keystrokes properly
Can power an ATX PSU on and off via keyboard or push button switch (We can also supply an optional cable that adapts an ATX PSU for use with a Z4 busboard).
Can switch monitor display from a graphics card output to a scandoubler/flickerfixer output and back using a keystroke combination (using an xMON module)
Has 4-keyboard selectable PC keymaps to suit most keyboard types including compact (1 Windows key/ 1 WinMenu key), 2 styles of standard Win 9x keyboards and AT (no Windows keys) types.
On-line help (via a Workbench pop-up window) to show key mapping options.
Implements Amiga key shortcuts: left mouse button {left Amiga + left Alt}, right mouse button {right Amiga + right Alt}, page up {shift up arrow}, page down {shift down arrow}, home {shift left arrow}, end {shift right arrow} , next screen {left Amiga + M} on otherwise unused PC keyboard keys
Provides a hardware reset button connection
With the optional infrared head can use a CDTV IR remote (available from us) to emulate mouse movements and provide a full upper/lower case alpha numeric keyboard (with Amiga reset and BMON switching functions)
Flash upgradable to other keyboard and infra-red remote control mappings
Low profile connectors ensure physical compatibility when used with Z4 busboards and/or PowerUp PPC accelerators with BVision graphics cards.

Pictues show (top to bottom):

EZKey-XS with all peripherals connected
Internally fitting infrared head
Internal IR head mounted on an amplifier 5.25” drive bay faceplate
The externally fitting IR head and adapter cable